Pre-event Responsibilities
Check in with hosting head coach and athletic director (2-3 days in advance minimum)
Ask for special instructions, if skin checks or being present at weigh-ins is necessary
*Head official copy additional officials on the email (if needed)
**Template available below
Pre-match Responsibilities
Arrive onsite 30-45 minutes early; give yourself ample travel time to the venue. Locate Home Management and ask to be taken to your locker room.
Inspect mat area setup to ensure compliance. Notify Home Management of any issues.
Speak with the table workers and timers to see if there are any questions. Locate coaches of each team and ask when they would like you to address their team.
Pre-Match Discussion with Coaches & Athletes
Keep it Simple, Keep it Short - two to three minutes at most.
Confirm with each head coach all athletes are properly equipped.
Ask if anyone has any special equipment.
Two most important things: safety of the athletes and getting the calls right.
Discuss major rule changes.
Traditional Stalling – emphasis on how you get to the edge, etc.
The Offensive wrestler is responsible for attempting to return the Defensive wrestler.
Emphasize Reaction Time in all situations except Locked Hands while in Offensive Position on the mat.
Discuss your starting sequence in the Referee's Position to help reduce cautions. Let them know you plan to utilize all available resources like a second official to get the calls right.
Encourage and expect good sportsmanship throughout the entire match.
Ask if they have any questions. If they do, then address them and move on. Thank them for their time and wish them good luck.
Flip disk for odd/even choice.